Monday, November 7, 2011

Stop that pampering NOW!

There is a bugging question I'll like us to consider below:

Are we as parents accountable to God concerning the children that He has given to us?

Unfortunately, most parents don't like to consider this aspect. Of course you must have heard this saying 'You've got your OWN life to live'. Notice that I have laid emphasis on the word 'own' to call your attention to the fact that some or most parents as the case may be feel unconcerned about what God thinks about the role they are supposed to play to make their children better members of the society.

On the other hand the above statement might be true but can you recall what happened to Eli (I Sam.3) when he failed to play the part that he was expected to play in the lives of his two sons? The result is that God cursed him and the priesthood was taken away from his lineage FOREVER. I will like you to pay serious attention to the fact that God is not partial; He is not a respecter of anybody. Gal.6:7 says 'Do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows, same also shall he reap...' simply put, what you sow is what you'll reap.

Also, Proverbs 6:12 says 'Train up a child the way he should go and he will not depart from it when he grows up'. This means that the way you are raising your child is very important. You cannot afford to imbibe the luxury of some law that does not recognize what God who created conception and gave safe delivery tells you to do.

The truth is that God is not against discipline. I had earlier mentioned this in my last post. The fact that God is not against disciplinary action cannot be over emphasized. You cannot, however, afford to bring up your child in a hostile environment; otherwise he will not know the meaning of true love. Such a child will definitely grow up hating people and the society. But you must understand that bringing up a child in an atmosphere of true love includes discipline. This can be supported by Proverbs 13:23 which says 'withhold not correction from a child, for if thou beatest him with a rod he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from hell'. Also note that the reverse of this scripture is valid.

Do you really want your child to stop this folly? Then discipline him in love and stop that pampering now!


  1. most parent should please also try and know the difference between raising a child to be responsible and raising a child to be very responsible and God fearing too...a child can be raised to know rights from wrong but will do that which pleases him or her.but the one with fear of God knows what right and wrong is and he or she keep to we can train up a child and yet still does things which parent cant imagine them doing...parent should please get close to their kids before things become even worst than they think

  2. I you have hit the nail at the head... and as a matter of fact, I think any serious parent should learn from the story about Eli in the bible and watch-out against pampering that has been proven to destroy destiny and even heritage as was the case in this case. Thanks once more for this post... God bless you.
