Friday, August 21, 2009

Positive Pronouncements

In my last post, I promised to share my personal experience to buttress the fact that parenting actually starts from the inception of pregnancy.

Long before I got married, I have heard a lot of things about pregnancy, delivery, nursing e.t.c but one thing that frightened me most was the idea of having a breech delivery. I had earlier read in a best seller titled “Every Woman” that most babies present their heads during delivery but a few present other parts of the body. The easiest /safest presentation according to the author of the book is the cephalic (head) presentation. So when I got pregnant for the first time after my marriage to John, I immediately began to lay my hands on my tummy while making pronouncements.

What where the pronouncements?

The pronouncement were positive words mixed with faith, they were words like:

(i)Baby is it well with you in Jesus name

(ii)You will grow well in Jesus name

(iii)Whatever I take in through my mouth shall not hurt you in Jesus name

(iv)At the appointed time, you will come out alive, strong and healthy in Jesus name

(v)You will come out with your head and not with any other part of your body in Jesus name

(vi)You will fulfil your define destiny in Jesus name

(vii)Your father and I shall be alive strong and healthy to take good care of you as care takers in Jesus name.

(viii)And so on……..

By the time the baby began to kick, I noticed that we were able to interact more as I kept making positive pronouncement concerning him. You know what; John was not left out of this experience. It was a lovely experience, and by the time of delivery, the baby came out with his head, he was strong, alive and healthy even up till now, apart from the routine immunisation he was given, we have never had any cause to take him to the hospital for any form of treatment because he hardly falls sick, the same goes to his 4 other siblings.

Effect of Positive Pronouncements

Positive Pronouncements made and is still making a world of difference in the lives of my children. The truth is children will always be children but you don’t want to get angry with your children to the extent of calling them names or giving up on them. You just have to continue to say what you want them to become and you shall have it because the tongue carries a lot of power.

In my next post, I will be talking about Godly parenting which is the basis of serious parenting. The truth is that we did not create ourselves; neither did we create these children so the earlier we start taking parenting as a very serious assignment the better for us and the society at large.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is serious Parenting?

Hi, my name is Lola, am married to John and we are blessed with five children in thirteen years of marriage. I'll like to share with you abt serious parenting.

What is Serious Parenting?

Serious Parenting has to do with seriousness. When I say seriousness I mean seriousness. Let's start by taking a look at what the word "serious" means.
The word serious from the dictionary means "requiring thought, concentration, or application: a serious task. to be focused", . The opposite of the word serious is frivolous.

The next word we may want to consider is parenting? Parenting in my own opinion is the ability to carter for our children physically, spiritually, morally, financially, in short all round because we brought them into this world.

If we now look at serious parenting, we will see that is it that which is of importance, grave, critical, or sober calling and we cannot afford to take it for granted for the following reasons:
(1) Being a parent is a priviledge and not a right
(2) Believe it or not, we have to give an account to the creator one day concerning these gift(Children)
(3) Your input into their lives will either make or mare their lives/the society at large
(4) You have to look beyond just being called a mom or a dad
(5) Serious parenting must be total.

Do you know that if you train up a child the way to go, it is hard for him to depart from it when he grows up?
Do you also know that you have to balance up your act of parenting by being firm when you have to? Let your no be no, let your yes be yes.

When does parenting start?
Parenting starts as soon as you are pregnant. This is because you are carrying in your womb a living being that can feel, hear, respond e.t.c. In the light of this, placing your hands on the pregnancy and saying positive words over the baby in the womb is vey important.

In my next post, I'll be sharing a personal experience.